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Week 1 - Welcome!

Topics Unit 1: Reactions are fun

  • Structure of the atom

  • Atomic models

  • Atoms, elements, compounds and mixtures

  • First 20 elements of the periodic table

  • Lab equipment

  • Common compounds

  • Word equations to describe common reactions

  • Chemical bonds

  • Introduction to reactions

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Class 1

During the first class we will have an ice breaker and we will discuss the lab rules we need to take into account in class:











Atoms make up everything we see, and many things we don't see too​, like air.


In previous years we have studied the main

parts of the atom, how these contribute to the

characteristics of the element, and how it

interacts with other elements. Today we will

review the atom structure and will practice by

drawing and identifying the number of particles

in the atoms of different elements.


Let's start by watching a video:














Classwork - Atom structure


1. Go to this website and launch the simulation from the first window that appears in the site: (write one conclusion in your notebook)




2. Use the information from the periodic table to complete this for the first 5 elements :




# P:

# e-:

# N:

Atomic mass (A): #P + #N :








Note: Open Ptable to see the symbols of the first 5 atoms and the file to see the number of neutrons.
































lab safety.png

Class 2

profe con atomo.png
Atoms video.png
p table.png
protons and electrons.jpg
think like a proton.png
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