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Week 3

Class 1

Today we will review the first 20 elements of the periodic table, their atomic number and symbol.​ We will solve a series of activities that will help us memorize the order of the elements: 












During this class, we will learn how the concept of the atom has evolved from the beginning of its existence to what we currently know about it. You will also learn a little about the scientists who contributed to the atom's knowledge.


Let's start by watching a short presentation about the evolution of the atomic model:









Then, the class will be divided into teams and you will represent the moment where  a specific scientist made a "discovery" about the atom. You have to create the news headline at and simulate to be reporters that interview the scientist right after he released his investigation. Each group will present this breaking news in front of the rest of the class.











You can also use these infographics and websites to gather more information about the scientist and his contribution to the atomic theory:


Infographic 1                                 Infographic 2                         Compoundchem site









Today we will create a timeline that allows us to comprehend how the atomic theory evolved in a more graphic way.


First, let's watch a video to sum up what we learnt last class:








Then, you can use the resources we used last class to create a clear timeline in your notebook where you specify: Year of the contribution, scientist, main idea or contribution and a drawing of the atom they were proposing in that moment of history.





Class 2: The atomic theory

atomic model.png

Class 3: Timeline  creation

video atomic t.png
time to draw.jfif
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